
الحارس الزومي يستأنف تداريبه مع فريق رجاء بني ملال

ستأنف حارس فريق رجاء عبد الحق الزومي تداريبه بعد إصابته خلال حصة إعدادية مع فريقه ما استدعى نقله إلى إحدى المحصات الطبية الخاصة لإجراء فحوصات طبية مستعجلة أكدت عدم خطورة الإصابة.
وأجرى فريق رجاء بني ملال أول حصصه التدريبية تحت الأضواء الكاشفة، الأسبوع الماضي، بالمركب الرياضي لبني ملال ما سمح للاعبي الفريق بإجراء التداريب بعيدا عن حرارة الشمس التي ألهبت مدينة بني ملال.
واستعان فريق رجاء بني ملال بخدمات العديد من اللاعبين الذين استقدمهم الفريق لتعزيز صفوفه، ويتعلق الأمر بكل من اللاعبين فؤاد الطلحاوي (مولودية وجدة) ورياض كرام (يوسفية برشيد) يوسف عبود (وداد فاس) ومحمد أمين الناصري الذي استعاره من فريق (المغرب الفاسي) وأحمد فتحي (شباب قصبة تادلة) والمهدي حدادي (شباب الريف الحسيمي) وحسين هيضوري الذي استعاره من فريق (معار النادي القنيطري) ومحمد الإدريسي (جمعية سلا) واللاعب (المهدي الدغوغي الذي استعاره من (فريق الوداد البيضاوي) وأحمد الأطلسي (الراك) وهشام بن لحسن (اتحاد اتمارة) وسيدي محمد ياسين لخليفي وبدر أنمري من فريق (الراك) وعبد العزيز بنشعيبة (أولمبيك آسفي) وإبراهيم أوشريف (اتحاد طنجة) وهشام هرواش (فريق خميس ازمامرة) وهشام بن ادريس (مولودية وجدة) وياسين زاهير (النادي المكناسي)
وينتظر محبو فريق رجاء بني ملال أن تتحسن مردودية لاعبيه الذين أجروا مباراة أولى ضد فريق وداد فاس برسم بطولة القم الوطني الثاني، ما ينتظره مشجعو الفريق خلال المباريات القادمة لاستعادة أمجاد فريق رجاء بني ملال.

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‫4 تعليقات

  1. Illuvium’s price and market cap rose significantly in anticipation of the game’s release but fell off with the rest of the crypto market. It’s still on the pricey side for a game that isn’t out yet. If nothing else, it’s worth keeping an eye on Illuvium to see what gamers think when it’s released. With more than 1,500 blockchain games to earn crypto with, there are options available for practically everyone. This includes crypto games for Android and iOS like Axie Infinity, metaverse games like Tamadoge – which has just released its first arcade game, Super Doge – and The Sandbox, as well as NFT games like Tamadoge. In these games, players directly control characters while engaging in real-time combat. The gameplay mirrors hack-and-slash or shooter games. You can earn NFTs and crypto rewards playing these games. There are few RPG-based blockchain games available.
    Dogecoin’s price has been impacted by the type of investor it attracts. DOGE holders are often more casual investors than those investing in tokens with good fundamentals or innovative use cases. Consequently, fewer Dogecoin investors hang around during a bear market, as many are primarily concerned with the token’s price. When DOGE price action cooled, many casual investors began to seek out the next hot investment, leaving the crypto sector.  John is a renowned crypto analyst and journalist, providing expert insights into both broad and focused aspects of the digital asset market. As a steadfast reporter, he keeps his audience updated with the latest news in the crypto sphere, delving into topics such as price trends, on-chain data analytics, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Centralized Finance (CeFi), and the ever-evolving metaverse.

  2. Celo (CELO) is in the top 1,000 cryptocurrencies by market cap, valued at $217,866,395. The Celo platform was set up to allow users to pay for goods and services with stablecoins. At the time of writing, it supports two: Celo Euro and Celo USD. However, in addition to the currencies listed on the platform, there’s also the CELO token. Browse, connect and join a team Furthermore, The collaboration builds upon the existing relationship between Google Cloud and Celo, where the tech giant has previously provided workshops and cloud computing services to developers and Web3 founders building on the Celo network. Celo and Bitcoin are two cryptocurrency projects that are about as different as they can possibly be, considering they were effectively set up with a similar goal in mind. Bitcoin was the original digital currency, built to offer a decentralised alternative to traditional finance. Effectively, Celo has the same goal only intended specifically for mobile devices. 
    Some of the larger crypto exchanges provide FDIC insurance up to $250,000, similar to a bank account. But that insurance only covers US dollar deposits. Some crypto exchanges provide separate insurance for digital assets, though many do not. Using coinlayer you are building on top of a rock-solid crypto exchange rates source — unparalleled in accuracy and consistency. Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonymous person or group, published the Bitcoin white paper in 2008, laying out BTC’s concept. In 2009, Bitcoin’s first block, called its genesis block, went live and brought BTC officially into existence as an asset. Nakamoto ceased communication in Bitcoin’s early years, and their real identity remains a mystery.  Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and so has the longest price history – stretching back to 2009 when it was worth much less than $0.01. Many of the cryptocurrencies that have launched since have been based on Bitcoin’s model and some were even created through hard forks of Bitcoin’s code. However, their price histories quickly diverge due to other differences between the coins.

  3. تنبيه: Bk8

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