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مراهنة المشاريع الاستثمارية ببني ملال على خلق أزيد من 4 آلاف 4600 فرصة عمل مباشرة

العين الإخبارية

عقد المركز الجهوي للإستثمار لجهة بني ملال خنيفرة الاثنين الماضي، اجتماع مجلسه الإداري برسم السنة الجارية، لاستعراض حصيلة الإيجابية في مجال الاستثمار بعد استنبات مشاريع محلية وجهوية استقطبت أيد عاملة وساهمت في تنمية الموارد المالية ، في انتظار استثمارات جديدة بعد العروض المغرية التي قدمتها الجهة وتوفيرها العقار الذي يشكل أحد المتاعب الكبرى لللمستثمرين.

ولقيت حجم الاستثمارات التي وجدت طريقا إلى جهة بني ملال رضى الفاعلين الاقتصاديين والمسولين الترابيين الذي اسنثمروا إمكانيات كبرى لإخراج الجهة من عزلتها الاقتصادية سيما أن أن عدد المشاريع الاستثمارية التي صادقت عليها اللجنة الجهوية الموحدة للاستثمار لجهة بني ملال-خنيفرة ، بلغ 203 مشروعا، بزيادة 49 بالمائة مقارنة مع الفترة نفسها من السنة الماضية.

وأوضح خطيب الهبيل والي الجهة، أن هذه المشاريع التي تمت المصادقة عليها من طرف اللجنة الجهوية ستمكن من تعبئة برامج استثمارية بحوالي 6 مليار درهم ما سيمكن من خلق أزيد من 4600 فرصة عمل مباشر دائم.

كما شدد على أهمية التعبئة وتضافر الجهود ، وعلى الدور المحوري الذي يجب أن يضطلع به المركز الجهوي للإستثمار في مجال مواكبة تنفيذ التدابير التي جاء بها الميثاق الجديد للاستثمار، وذلك لتوفير الظروف الملائمة لتنمية وجلب الاستثمارات وتحفيزها وإنعاشها على مستوى الجهة.

وأكد ، في هذا الصدد، على ضرورة تسهيل ولوج المستثمرين إلى عقار يمكن تعبئته بسهولة وبأسعار تنافسية، فضلا عن تنويع طرق التمويل ووضع حلول مبتكرة للتمويل ، وكذا تبسيط ورقمنة المساطر الإدارية المرتبطة بإنجاز الاستثمارات، إضافة إلى المواكبة الشاملة للمقاولات سيما المقاولات الصغرى والمتوسطة والصغيرة جدا.

و قدم مدير المركز الجهوي للإستثمار عرضا، تناول فيه الخطوط العريضة للميزانية التوقعية للسنة المقبلة، التي قدرت بـ 20,81 مليون درهم، موزعة على نفقات الاستغلال بـ 15 مليون درهم، ونفقات الاستثمار بـ 5,81 مليون درهم.

كما تطرق العرض لبرنامج العمل التوقعي للمركز الجهوي للإستثمار برسم السنة المقبلة، ويرتكز على خطة عمل تهم مجموعة من التدخلات تروم بالخصوص، تقوية هياكل المركز، والنهوض بريادة الأعمال، ومواكبة حاملي المشاريع واستدامة المقاولات، وتبسيط مساطر معالجة الملفات الاستثمارية، ورقمنة الخدمات المقدمة للمستثمرين، وتنمية والنهوض بالعرض الترابي، بالإضافة إلى تحريك الاقتصاد الجهوي.

وتم خلال هذا الاجتماع، الذي حضره عمال أقاليم الجهة الأربعة، المصادقة على جميع النقط المدرجة ضمن جدول الأعمال والتي همت بالخصوص ، محضر الاجتماع السابق للمجلس الإداري والمنعقد في يونيو الماضي، وميزانية وبرنامج العمل التوقعي للمركز الجهوي للاستثمار برسم السنة المقبلة، فضلا عن المصادقة المبدئية لتحويل العقار التابع لأملاك الدولة بالمجان للمركز الجهوي للاستثمار لإنجاز مقر رئيسي ببني ملال.

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    Following the addition of table games, the casino has become a popular destination for Asian Americans from New York City, who frequently travel to the casino on motorcoach buses operated by Chinatown bus lines. More than 3,000 riders a day traveled by bus to the casino from Asian American neighborhoods in New York City. The casino has the busiest motorcoach business of any casino in Pennsylvania. The second-largest casino is Wind Creek Bethlehem with 3,046 gaming machines during the last week of January 2020. Whatever is placed there, it will be the first real expansion since Sands Bethlehem opened in 2008. Previously, LVS has upgraded or renovated the resort, but not added new attractions. LVS did authorize a $12 million renovation of the existing hotel, a $6 million update to the poker room, a $6 million introduction of an electronic roulette studio, and $1.6 million investment in Emeril’s Chop House.

  6. If there is a lot of stuff going on, you’ll most likely try to find some free football accumulator tips for today, right? Certainly. This is a logical course of action for many punters. However, you shouldn’t jump at the first opportunity to improve your bankroll. Not all acca prediction sites are created the same. Many of them purposely provide fraudulent information, all in an attempt to attract rookie bettors and increase their visitor count. Tennis Accumulator – Tennis is a sport that has its fair share of accumulator betting, so, in this section, we offer information about matches and players so that you can make your bets with some consideration. Tennis accumulators are the second most popular sport accas, after football. Many Tennis match bets have short odds and many bettors like to combine them in tennis acca bets, rather than bet them individually. The biggest advantage of using a tennis accumulator is that you can earn money with a higher probability, in exchange for small bets. The odds increase exponentially in your favor, which also means that if you win, your earnings will be huge.
    By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Listen to the Manchester Is Red podcast Sign up to our free United newsletter Register to leave comments Last but not least, that leaves Joao Felix. “A dream target for Man United,” Romano said. “It will remain a dream unless something crazy happens. Atletico Madrid had direct contact with Man United but they said, ‘No way, the player stays here.’” Transfer expert Fabrizio Romano has revealed Man Utd are in talks with the winger to extend his contract to 2028. As for the possible destinations, both could appeal to Maguire. Tottenham has those aforementioned black marks against them in that Maguire will presumably want some assurances from a manager that he’s a wanted man – he can’t get that at Tottenham. He can, however, get that at West Ham where David Moyes looks set to remain in the hot seat. West Ham’s chances of landing Maguire could hinge on the outcome of their Conference League final. A place in next year’s Europa League would sweeten the deal for the United man.

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    Other options also exist. If players prefer to do a bank account transfer, then they can log in to their online bank account and transfer the funds directly to the operator. As the UK is now privy to the benefits of Faster Payments, UK slot sites are now able to credit the player’s account in quick fashion. However, this is potentially the slowest payment method available, with respect to both deposit and withdrawal times. Your browser is very out of date and doesn’t support many of our site’s awesome features. We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer (which is free). Not only will you have a better casino experience (the best in town, we think), but you will also benefit from all the latest security features modern browsers have to offer.

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    Moving on, we have Red Dog Casino, which is another platform that we highly recommend. Launched in 2019, it is a holder of the Curacao license, it is open to the US players, and it has over 200 casino games. Unfortunately, there are no live poker rooms, but, the platform has most of the games you would expect to find within an online casino. When choosing a real money online casino, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to make sure that the casino is legitimate and that it offers the games that you’re interested in playing. There are a lot of scams out there, so it’s important to do your research beforehand. Once you’ve found a few casinos that you’re interested in, take a look at their bonus offers. These are solely for slot games, where you can win real money for free. You can claim these either via a welcome bonus after signing up to an online casino, or through a loyalty program.

  9. PRNewswire – Together with 888 Holdings social division of Mytopia, Youda games have announced a brand new release of the popular Texas Hold’em game, Governor of Poker. Minimum requirements Войдите, чтобы добавить этот продукт в список желаемого или скрыть его 69. There are more vending machines in Japan than there are people in New Zealand. 33 rue Lafayette, 75009 Paris NetEase, the company operating Game 36, also operated another relatively popular game, Identity V (NetEase, 2018), that was not within the highest-grossing list studied. Identity V was known to contain loot boxes in the UK and in China but has not been removed from any countries’ Apple App Store as of 7 June 2022. Exploratory analysis revealed that the Belgian version of Identity V continued to contain paid loot boxes in Belgium.
    It will not be difficult to find poker freerolls in the lobby of a poker client. Consider the example of PokerStars: On top of the highest available welcome bonus on Betfair Poker, there are more advantages for you as a player from PokerStrategy. You receive 3 StrategyPoints for every $1 you rake at Betfair Poker. Initially, the room was part of Ongame, but in 2013 joined iPoker, a large poker network with a big pool of recreational players. This network, by the way, is in the top ten in terms of player traffic. The number of site users is increasing every day, which is facilitated by a great loyalty program, reliable gaming policy, interesting promotions, and stable software developed by Playtech. Betfair is a pioneer in online sports betting and today processes over five million transactions a day. But, not content with being a giant in that field, Betfair has expanded into poker and casino operations. Applying its characteristic flair for excellence, Betfair has twice been named the UK’s “Company of the Year” by the Confederation of British Industry and currently employs over 2,000 people spread amongst its operations.

  10. The minimum deposit is set at $10, making Slots.lv a minimum deposit casino. All deposit methods are instant, so you can start playing right after you top off your balance. For example, you can pick slot games based on the number of reels, whether they are a jackpot game, and exclusive slot, or simply considered popular or new slots. The game themselves are a real delight, as we often say. While casinos like Slots.lv have been a bit slow to adapt to new trends and release many new games, 2020 has definitely been a flagship year in terms of new slot games. The number one online slot site on our list is Ignition Casino. Established by Lynton Limited in 2016, it is a well-reputed site. Lynton Limited is the name behind many other sites, including Bodog, Ignition poker, and Bovada. Their credibility in the gambling industry and a huge presence online lend themselves to Ignition’s overall trustworthiness.
    Pool Payday pits you against real players in a competition to see who can score the most points. You could be a cash winner if you come out on top in cash games provided by the Skillz platform. Heck, they don’t even use real money! Online games where you can win real money with no deposit needed are available at many real money casinos online. This article 10 Legit Game Apps to Win Real Money originally appeared on FinanceBuzz. It’s available in freeplay and for real money – and if you continue reading you’ll see how you could play to win real money with no deposit needed. In Cash Frenzy, it’s called the “stamp collection” and it unlocks on level 5. Players can fill up the collection with stamps from different bonus games. What motivates them? Well, if they complete albums, they can win generous coin rewards.

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